You might be wondering, "Why the unique name, goAardvark?"

When we set out to create a platform that empowers businesses like yours to go further with their information, we knew we needed a name that would be as distinctive as our services. The aardvark, a fascinating and enigmatic creature, symbolizes several key qualities that resonate with our mission.

The first trait that caught our attention was the aardvark’s tenacity and adaptability. Despite its unique appearance, this creature has successfully evolved to thrive in diverse environments. Similarly, at goAardvark, we understand that businesses face ever-changing challenges and competition. Our suite of unique tools is designed to keep you ahead of the curve, ensuring that you adapt to the ever-evolving business landscape.


The second aspect of the aardvark that resonated with us was its exceptional ability to dig deep and uncover hidden treasures. Just like the aardvark’s specialized skills, our goAardvark Equipment Relationship Manager (ERM) digs into your fleet data to extract valuable insights. These insights empower you to make informed decisions, optimize your fleet’s performance, and maximize your profits.

But the aardvark’s prowess doesn’t end there. Known for its solitary nature, it forages independently yet remains exceptionally efficient. Our goAardvark Assistant mirrors this trait, acting as your personal support team, ready to assist you on-the-go and in the field. Whether you need real-time information or urgent support, our goAardvark Assistant is there at a moment’s notice, ensuring that you never face challenges alone.

Discover the power of goAardvark today!